It is with great pride and joy we present the in-depth partnership with Husstainability. They are sustainable business development consultants with core expertise in climate and environmental research.

Over the past year, we have had the privilege of getting to know Erik and Emma and who’ve candidly shared their knowledge and shown a never-ending commitment to creating sustainable impact. We connected as individuals and with our common pursuit to transform the business agenda into an over time sustainable – ecologically, socially and economically.

Husstainability and twentyten complement and strengthen each other’s offer and increases overall capacity. With Erik and Emma’s help, we ensure the climate and environmental impact of new business models. The symbiosis is a natural step for us on our journey to help more people future-proof their business through Sustainable Business Innovation.

Since its start in 2016, Husstainability has been working with sustainable business development and offers analysis, training, workshops, inspiration as well as strategy, PR and communication support for companies, municipalities and organizations that want to develop towards a more responsible business.

Husstainability has helped around 50 businesses (see below). Read more about the business at

Erik Huss, CEO Husstainability AB

Photo: Anders Klapp

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